What to Consider When Starting a Blog w/ Squarespace

Well hello there you beautiful human I hope your week is going swell. Right behind "how do you edit your instagram pictures" on the most frequently asked questions list is today's topic of discussion --  "What advice would give to someone who is trying to start a blog?"

 More specifically, I'm asked what platform I use for my site...well here it is folks... *DRUMROLL* Squarepace!! I am the biggest advocate for Squarespace and I mean no shade to the other sites, but Squarespace allows me to splash a little of my unique style into the look of my site while keeping it clean and classy. Not only is it pleasing to the eye, but it's not a pain to maneuver. I'm an engineer yes, but coding is just not my thing and that's one of the things I love about it-- it's so intuitive and user friendly. With all that said, picking the right platform for the aesthetic you're going for is definitely step #1 in creating a blog. Below, I've listed a few more things that I think are super important. (Keep reading until the bottom for a discount code off your Squaresapace site subscription;) ) 


Keep in mind, I'm still a little blogger baby, so I'm still taking my own advice and if you have any tips please feel free to share in the comments.  :)


Want to use Squarespace? Use my Code: 'ITSDEMIB' For 10% off of your squarespace subscription. 

This post is Sponsored by Squarespace, but all opinions are 100% my own.