I cannot tell a lie. I've had this post sitting...just sitting in my drafts for about three weeks now, and I'm not proud about it. Pictures have been edited, and they were just chillen. Why? I honestly have no excuse other than laziness. Do you ever just have every single intention of doing something and then you keep pushing it off? Guilty as charged. ~I'm a blogger I promise~
Another day, another outfit with my white Steve Madden sneaks. Have no fear, they've been washed and the laces have been replaced to make those bad boys look as beautiful as they once were. We all have that ONE pair of shoes that we suck all of the life out of...and that's okay. They look good with the fit and that's all that matters amiright ;)
Fun fact: This is some chemical release thingy by the Purdue Physics building (yes, I am an engineer and this is some of the most intense engineering terminology you've probably ever heard I know I know #sorrynotsorry ) but when you're without a car and don't feel like taking zipcar or uber off campus to shoot you make it do with what you have. ~just engineering school things~