HELLO BEAUTIFUL PEOPLE -- haven't seen you since last year ;). This is the first post of the year and I'm feeling like this is going to be a good ONe. not hating on 2016, but i'm getting good vibes from 2017 already.
The title of this post is extremely ironic for many reasons:
#1 -- I don't work out ( hopefully this will change soon because it's on my new years resolution list #NewYearNewMe)
#2 -- It was freezing and I was definitely not even close to sweating....I was in fact frost bitten
#3 -- IF and only if the stars align and the pigs fly and I do find my way to the gym, I legit don't sweat..weird i know
I found this title fitting though because I'm wearing sweatpants and I'd like to think that I'm punny ;) Sweats typically have a bummy connotation to them, but it doesn't have to be that way. I threw on this amazingly warm grey/navy sweater sent from the amazing people at shopGGboutique.com and it instantly dressed up the sweats in a way most people don't think is possible. This look is just as comfy as a hoodie but is a little bit more appealing to they eye.