Happy Tuesday Beautiful People!!
I really don't know where to start other than saying that I'm obsessed (which I feel like I say for everything but this time I really am). Suede is so in this season and i am 1000% pro suede so when I saw this romper (the same day I found the black lace up dress -- i told you Carter is a good luck charm) I was completely sold. BUT I do have a tiny problem with it, however, this problem isn't necisarrily directed to Charlotte Russe or this particular romper, but rather the creator of rompers. I wish I could go back and time and ask him or her WHY ROMPERS SO DIFFICULT TO USE THE RESTROOM IN. I don't know maybe a zipper or something?
Don't get me wrong, I LOVE rompers they're the perfect dress and shorts/pants combo! You can wear them when its super windy outside and not have to worry about flashing the whole world (usually) and you also have the comfortability of a dress. I just wish that they weren't such a pain when you need to go to the ladies room. #justgirlthings
Demi B
Romper: Charlotte Russe | Necklace: Windsor Store (similar) | Shoes: Target